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Donate to the Catatonia Foundation

The Catatonia Foundation has a well-thought out strategic plan to raise awareness and educate the public and healthcare professionals about accurate Catatonia diagnosis and effective treatment options so that Catatonia is no longer a threat to anyone. 

Catatonia can come on suddenly without warning, with symptoms that don’t make sense and don’t seem to have a cause. These devastating symptoms cause unimaginable suffering including: palpable anxiety, extreme fear, anger, aggression to self and others, confusion, disorientation, frustration, delusions, looping thoughts and speech, negativism, a retreat from reality, loss of cognition, loss of the capacity to take care of daily needs, failure to eat or drink, immobility or extreme excitement or agitation or cycling through both, and grimacing, strange postures, strange movements, repeating questions or movement.

Many medical professionals are not aware of the important body of scholarly articles, books and other resources on the diagnosis and treatment of Catatonia. It is often mistaken for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or psychosis of unknown origin. Medication may be prescribed that causes symptoms to worsen. A person with Catatonia may suffer unnecessarily and may even die without proper treatment.  


If you are interested in helping to raise awareness and educating the public and those in the medical community about Catatonia, please see the link or the instructions regarding where to send a check below. Your thoughtfulness and generosity are sincerely and deeply appreciated.

Click Below to Donate by Card or Paypal

Donate by Check

Please make check payable to The Catatonia Foundation and send to: 

The Catatonia Foundation c/o Belinda Phillips, 7359 Deep Run #410, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301.

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Our Vision

The vision of The Catatonia Foundation is that no patient’s life will be lost to Catatonia especially because proper diagnosis and treatment has a high likelihood of curing this devastating and sometimes fatal disorder.

Our Mission

Our mission is to create awareness and provide education to both the public and healthcare professionals so that proper diagnosis can be made and people suffering from this devastating yet curable condition can receive the treatment they need.  We will also support individuals and their caregivers in learning about and advocating for life-saving treatment.

What are donations used for?

The Catatonia Foundation is staffed entirely by volunteers and all donations are used for items that will fulfill our mission, including costs to update and maintain our website, brochures, business cards and other materials, cost of exhibiting at annual healthcare conferences, costs associated with Catatonia informational conferences at large hospital networks, and costs associated with media campaigns. 


What are the goals of the foundation?


Update and maintain our comprehensive website.


Create and disseminate printed material to the public and healthcare professionals.


Create Catatonia awareness campaigns both in the media and on social media, emphasizing Catatonia is not rare and it is highly curable with proper treatment. 


Collaborate with top hospital networks to create conferences to educate healthcare providers in their network about Catatonia diagnosis, curative treatment options, and live stream these conferences.


Exhibit at medical and other healthcare provider national annual conferences to raise awareness and provide information about Catatonia.


Collaborate with medical schools to include Catatonia diagnosis and treatment in their curriculum.


Enhance collaboration of clinicians and researchers with expertise in Catatonia.


Provide advocacy, information, and resources for patients and families.

We are committed to making sure that no one will lose their life to Catatonia if we have anything to do with it.

We need your help to make this happen. We welcome your donations of any size. We know it takes a village. 
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Join our movement so that no one
will lose their life to Catatonia.

Or Pay by Check

Make check payable to The Catatonia Foundation and send to: 

The Catatonia Foundation c/o Belinda Phillips, 7359 Deep Run #410, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301

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