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Resources on Expressions of Catatonia

Expressions in General

Scholarly Articles


Case study of a 40-year-old male who experienced behavior changes. He was given Lorazepam despite low clinical suspicion for Catatonia and had a positive response. Description of Catatonia, symptoms and diagnosis, etiology, subtypes, and treatment.

Reinfeld S Current Psychiatry


Potential Catatonia presentations include delirious mania, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, retarded catatonia, catatonia in autism spectrum disorder.  

Reinfeld S Current Psychiatry


The many faces of catatonia in ASD were seen in 22 patients.

Wachtel LE European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry


Overview of Catatonia, different expressions, and treatment.

Yasgur BS Psychiatry Advisor


Description of the many varieties of Catatonia.

Fink M Unpublished


Catatonia responds to benzodiazepines and ECT. The commonality in response indicates that catatonia, malignant catatonia, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, toxic serotonin syndrome, delirious mania, catatonic excitement, benign stupor, and oneirophrenia are diverse manifestations of one syndrome.

Fink M & Taylor MA European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience
Retarded (Akinetic) Catatonia


Scholarly Articles

Two patients with catatonia stupor were initially considered appropriate for hospice. When treated with ECT, the patients symptoms resolved.

McCall V et al. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences




Case report of a 59-year-old patient with a history of bipolar disorder admitted due to a seizure episode. During hospitalization, she showed signs of catatonia and was treated with high-dose lorazepam. The patient had complete remission, and ECT was recommended as a definitive treatment.

Verdugo I et al. Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría

An overview of pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment, complications and risk factors. Recognition that early treatment is associated with better outcomes.

Edinoff AN et al. Neurology International

Overview of Catatonia, different expressions, and treatment.

Yasgur BS Psychiatry Advisor


Review - Physicians should maintain high level of suspicion for catatonia in patients experiencing an acute psychiatric illness. The wide range of psychomotor abnormalities are not present in all patients. Most patients respond to lorazepam or ECT. The use of antipsychotics should be avoided.

Rasmussen SA et al. World Journal of Psychiatry.


Catatonic symptoms may be closely related to dysfunction in the orbitofrontal cortex and consequent alteration in the prefrontal cortical network during emotional processing.

Northoff G et al. Schizophrenia Bulletin


Case report of 14 year old with catatonia during an episode of depression in the context of bipolar type 1 disorder. Some motor symptoms usually encountered in akinetic catatonia may be related to dysfunction of prefrontal cortical areas but also primary motor cortex, striatum, and vermis. This case of akinetic catatonia also brings new clues for the involvement of the medial prefrontal cortex in conscious awareness.

De Tiége X et al. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry


Ten catatonic patients were investigated with SPECT.  Findings are preliminary but suggest right lower prefronto-parietal cortical dysfunction in catatonia, which may be closely related to psychomotor disturbances

Northoff G et al. Psychological Medicine
Excited Catatonia

Scholarly Articles


A conundrum arises when managing catatonia and delirium: neuroleptics, often used to manage hyperactive delirium, may precipitate malignant catatonia, whereas benzodiazepines, first-line treatment for catatonia, may be deliriogenic. Recommend refining diagnostic criteria.

Oldham MA & Lee HB. General Hospital Psychiatry


Delirious mania is difficult to distinguish from excited catatonia. The distinction between the two is important as treatment differs and affects outcome. Three case reports  illustrate the diagnostic conundrum of delirious mania and different presentations of malignant catatonia.

Detweiler MB et al. Psychiatric Quarterly

Agitated Catatonia - Catatonia in Autism and Other Developmental Disorders

Scholarly Articles


It is estimated that approximately 8-11% of autistic people suffer from catatonia. It is probable that there is an underreporting of catatonia, especially in people with autism, due to the lack of awareness, the clinical heterogeneity and the similarity of many of its symptoms with manifestations of autism.

Ruggieri V Medicina


Case of young man with undiagnosed ASD that came to clinical attention only after the development of a severe manic episode with mixed and psychotic features and with catatonia in adulthood, despite meeting DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria for ASD since early childhood.

Dell’Osso L et al. Brain Sciences


Excessive psychomotor activity seen in catatonia may increase energy expenditure to the severity of altering caloric requirements and that weight is a salient biomarker to be monitored in catatonia, especially with those who have limited communication abilities.

Free M et al. The Journal of ECT


There is a strong correlation between the autism spectrum and Catatonia spectrum. 

Dell’Osso L et al. European Psychiatry


Review of catatonia in NDDs - underlying neurobiological factors, complicated clinical and nosological overlap. Proposed an assessment and management approach.

Moore S et al. npj Mental Health Research


Catatonic features can appear in autism spectrum disorders. There can be overlap in symptoms across catatonia and ASD. The overall aim of this review is to provide evidence for the presence of catatonic features in subjects with ASD.

Vacquerizo-Serrano J et al. European Psychiatry


Timely recognition and treatment of catatonia in patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder have important outcomes and sometimes life-saving implications.

Ghaziuddin N et al. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America


Seven adults with down syndrome and catatonia responded to lorazepam and/or ECT. Dextromethorphan/quinidine appeared to reduce recurrence following ECT.

Miles JH et al. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment


Retrospective review of inpatient and outpatient records of 22 autistic youth presenting to a neurobehavioral service who were treated for catatonia. Myriad symptoms of catatonia were seen in this sample of 22 autistic youth. ECT conferred vast patient benefit.

Wachtel  LE Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica


ECT is well-tolerated and efficacious treatment for agitated catatonia.

Wachtel LE et al. Current Opinion in Psychiatry


The main aim of this case series report is to alert physicians to the occurrence of catatonia in Down syndrome (DS). A second aim is to stimulate the study of regression in DS and of catatonia.

Ghaziuddin N et al. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment


Summary of studies exploring catatonia in ASDs and management and treatment of this syndrome through the presentation of three brief case studies.  Outline for the management and treatment of this syndrome in this population.

Mazzone L et al. CNS Drugs


Catatonia should be assessed in people with autism when there is an obvious and marked deterioration in movement, vocalizations, pattern of activities, self-care, and practical skills. Benzodiazepines and ECT are favored options for acute and maintenance treatment.

Kakooza-Mwesige A et al. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry


Individuals with autism spectrum disorders have an increased incidence of catatonic symptoms, as well as frank catatonic deterioration. The patient in this case had a resounding response to ECT.  ECT should figure prominently in the treatment algorithm for catatonic autistic patients.

Wachtel LE et al. American Journal of Psychiatry


Since almost all descriptions of autism highlight the presence of motor symptoms that characterize catatonia, an assessment for this eminently treatable syndrome is recommended for all patients considered to be autistic. 

Fink M et al. International Review of Neurobiology


Blueprints for the assessment, treatment, and future study of catatonia in ASDs aim to increase early recognition and treatment of catatonia, show the urgency of controlled treatment trials, and increase collaborative and interdisciplinary research.

Dhossche DM et al. International Review of Neurobiology


Three studies demonstrated the high frequency of catatonia‐like features in people with autistic disorders.

Wing L & Shah A International Review of Neurobiology


The literature on autism and catatonia are reviewed to identify areas of overlap. A hypothesis is formulated that, in some cases, autism may be the early expression of catatonia.

Dhossche DM Medical Science Monitor


The existing literature on catatonic-like states in people with autistic spectrum disorders is summarized. It is suggested that such states are not directly comparable with the existing concepts of catatonia. A concept of ‘autistic catatonia’ is outlined.

Hare DJ & Malone C  Autism


Catatonia is a later complication of autistic spectrum disorders, which adds considerably to the burden of caring.

Wing L & Shaw A British Journal of Psychiatry



Catatonia, Shutdown and Breakdown in Autism
Shaw, A Jessica Kingsley Publishers


Each Day I Like It Better:  Autism, ECT, and the Treatment of Our Most Impaired Children
Lutz, Amy S.F. Vanderbilt University Publishers


Catatonia in Autism Spectrum Disorders
Dhossche, D Academic Press


Malignant Catatonia

Scholarly Articles


Malignant catatonia may be fatal without treatment. Intensivists should familiarize themselves with this important and under-recognized condition.

Connell J et al. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine


Catatonia and NMS may be underreported in the cerebral palsy patient population.

Barnett BS et al. Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry


Life-threatening catatonia is often misdiagnosed or diagnosed late in the patient's hospital course. Screening tools must be used .

Sayde GE et al. Psychiatry Research Case Reports


Malignant catatonia should include early treatment with benzodiazepines and ECT.

Cronemeyer M et al. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry


The objective of this study is to examine whether catatonia can be distinguished from neuroleptic malignant syndrome and to identify symptoms that may have discriminatory power.

Lang FU et al. Psychopharmacology


Catatonia and neuroleptic malignant syndrome are uncommon disorders that can be life-threatening. They share similar and overlapping literature on causative agents, phenomenology, and treatment response.

Carroll BT CNS Spectrums


Malignant catatonia represents a syndrome rather than a specific disease.  Catatonia is a continuum, with milder forms at one end (nonmalignant catatonia) and more severe forms involving hyperthermia and autonomic dysfunction (malignant catatonia) at the other end.

Mann SC et al. Current Psychiatry Reviews


The majority of patients with catatonia have concurrent psychosis. Failure to treat the catatonia before institution of antipsychotic medication may increase the risk of inducing neuroleptic malignant syndrome.

Rosebush PI & Mazurek MF Schizophrenia Bulletin


Three case reports  illustrate the diagnostic conundrum of delirious mania and different presentations of malignant catatonia.

Detweiler MB et al. Psychiatric Quarterly


Psychopathological and pathophysiological differences of catatonia and Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome. Catatonia may be characterized as cortical “psychomotor syndrome” while NMS may rather be regarded as a subcortical “motor syndrome.”

Northoff G Journal of Neural Transmission
Periodic Catatonia

Scholarly Articles


Genome-wide linkage study in which the findings provide evidence that periodic catatonia is associated with a major disease locus, which maps to chromosome 15q15.

Stöber G et al.  American Society for Human Genetics
Catatonia due to Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis

Scholarly Articles


2 rounds of high-dose IVIG treatment resulted in significant improvement and remission in patient with suspected post-infectious inflammatory encephalopathy.

Nance M et al. Clinical Immunology


The clinical course of the current patient was thought to denote a transition from Down Syndrome Disintegrative Disorder to NMDA receptor encephalitis.

Minamisawa Y et al. Frontiers in Neurology


Adult anti-NMDAR encephalitis patients with catatonia present distinct clinical features in disease course and are prone to experience more relapses and long-term neuropsychiatric problems than those without catatonia.

Wu H et al. BMC Psychiatry


Acute psychotic symptoms with seizure episodes in adolescent patients should have a suspicion of anti-NMDAR encephalitis. Delayed treatment can lead to complications and delayed recovery.

Chamlagain R et al. Annals of Medicine and Surgery


The most common cause of autoimmune catatonia is NMDA receptor encephalitis, which can account for the full spectrum of catatonic features. The specific association with NMDAR encephalitis supports a hypothesis of glutamatergic hypofunction in catatonia.

Rogers JP et al. Lancet Psychiatry


Systematic assessment of catatonic syndrome shows that it is a frequent feature in patients with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis as part of a clinical pattern that includes delirium, psychomotor agitation, and hallucinations.

Espinola-Nadurille M et al. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences



Brain on Fire (10th Anniversary Edition): 
My Month of Madness
Susannah Cahalan Simon and Schuster



Ye-Bates S. UCSF Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
COVID-19 and Catatonia

Scholarly Articles


Reviews of the evidence for catatonia as a potential neuropsychiatric sequela of COVID-19 infection. Clinicians should be familiar with recognizing catatonia as a potential outcome of COVID-19 infection.

Oh J et al. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry


Case of encephalitis developing after SARS-CoV-2 infection is presented. In the case, classical catatonia and encephalopathy clinic were observed together.

Bosta BU et al. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry and Neuroscience


New onset psychosis and catatonia post COVID infection in a healthy adolescent. ECT effective for new onset psychosis and catatonia.

Holland E et al. Psychiatry Research Case Reports


Report of the co-occurrence of catatonia and COVID-19 diagnoses among acute care hospital discharges in the United States in 2020.

Luccarelli J et al. Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry


5 patient case review highlights complex relationship between COVID-19 and Catatonia

Sakhardande KA et al. Asian Journal of Psychiatry


Literature review identified 42 patients with confirmed or possible catatonia during or after a COVID-19 infection.

Dawood AS et al. BJPsych Bulletin


It is important to consider Catatonia in the setting of COVID-19.

Nikayin S et al. Journal of ECT


Case of catatonia and COVID-19 association with malignant catatonia resolving after ECT. Shows  value of close cooperation between internal medicine and psychiatry teams when severe psychiatric and clinical manifestations intertwine.

Deocleciano de Araujo C et al. Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry


Report of the clinical presentation, course, and treatment outcomes in patients presenting with secondary catatonia in a general hospital setting

Vaidya et al. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine


Malignant catatonia with potentially life-threatening autonomic instability can occur in patients with COVID-19. Treatment was plasmapheresis.

Mulder J et al. The American Journal of Psychiatry


Case report of woman with delirium and catatonia in acute COVID-19 illness that improved with lorazepam.

Amouri J et al. Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry


Report of the clinical presentation, course, and treatment outcomes in patients presenting with secondary catatonia in a general hospital setting

Vaidya et al. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine


Case study: Catatonia occurring in the absence of any preexisting neuropsychiatric condition in a patient medically hospitalized for COVID-19.

Caan MP et al. Psychosomatics


Report of catatonia in a hospitalized patient with COVID-19 focusing on the development of catatonic symptoms with peaking proinflammatory mediators.

Gouse BM et al. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity
Drugs and Other Substances and Catatonia

Scholarly Articles


Case report of 15-year-old male with cannabis-induced catatonia who responded to lorazepam.  It’s important for clinicians to maintain a high index of suspicion to accurately diagnose and treat cannabis-induced neuropsychiatric conditions.

Gauthier T et al. Wisconsin Medical Journal


Large pharmacovigilance study of patients exposed to first-generation antipsychotics was associated with increased risk of catatonia syndromes compared to the use of second-generation antipsychotics.

Da Costa J et al. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry


Case of possible vortioxetine-induced catatonia in a patient with a history of schizoaffective disorder bipolar type.

Memon RI et al. Psychiatry Annals


Malignant catatonia presented in combined benzodiazepine and opioid withdrawal in a young patient.  He responded to lorazepam treatment.

Sayles BD et al. The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders


Case of a man in his early 30′s with idiopathic recurrent catatonia effectively recovered with psychological support, benzodiazepines and ECT. There is a need for greater recognition of isolated idiopathic catatonia, as a diagnosis independent of mood disorder or schizophrenia.

Charlesworth JEG et al. Psychiatry Research Case Reports


Case report of a rare occurrence of catatonia emerging following the administration of quetiapine and a possible mechanism by which quetiapine-induced catatonia may have arisen.

Soo A. et al. The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders


Case study - withdrawal catatonia after stopping quetiapine.

Valido R et al. The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders


Case of a young man who developed an episode of acute catatonia due to methamphetamine abuse.

Jiang S & Sullivan G The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders


Cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids use may be related to Catatonia.

Palma-Alvarez RF et al. Journal of Dual Diagnosis


α-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone (“Flakka”) Catalyzing Catatonia: A Case Report and Literature Review (Abstract)

20-year-old male with no prior psychiatric history exhibited extremely bizarre behavior after ingesting Flakka. Synthetic cathinones  cause catatonia in approximately 1% of cases.


Literature review identified 55 cases of withdrawal catatonia, the majority of which occurred upon discontinuation of benzodiazepines (24 cases) and discontinuation of clozapine (20 cases). Treatment recommendations are provided.

Lander M et al. Translational Psychiatry


Catatonia is a rare manifestation of benzodiazepine withdrawal in elderly patients who have used it for a long time. Case of lorazepam withdrawal catatonia and highlight issues in diagnosis and management.

Sivakumar T et al.  Asian Journal of Psychiatry
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